Guide for Authors


Original Research Paper

Manuscript must be accompanied by a certificate signed by author and all coauthors that they have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and they have not submitted the manuscript to any other journal. All manuscript should be typed in double spacing on A-4 paper with margin on both sides.


This document is a guide covering the technical points required for preparation of your manuscript. Additional details can be found in the Author Guidelines on the journal homepage.



Please use the manuscript templates from the Author Guidelines page to format your manuscript. In general, the order of the sections in the file is:

  1. Title
  2. Author(s)
  3. Affiliation(s)
  4. Keywords
  5. Abstract
  6. Main text
  7. Conflict of Interest
  8. Acknowledgements
  9. References
  10. Figure
  11. Schemes
  12. Tables
  13. Graphical abstract + Highlights


  1. Title page:
    1. Complete title of the article
    2. Name of author(s)
    3. Department(s), Degree, Institution(s) at which work was performed (affiliation)
    4. Official phone/fax no, cell no, personal e-mail address (to whom correspondence is to be addressed) in case of posting please provide new address
  2. Structured Abstract:
    1. Introduction
    2. Objective 
    3. Methods
    4. Results
    5. Conclusion
  1. Text: (the text must include a brief survey of literature, purpose of study, groups of study, methodology and procedures, findings in sequences and implication of these observations. Be flexible and thinkable whilst drawing conclusions of the study). The text should contain following:
    1. Introduction
    2. Material and Methods
    3. Results
    4. Discussion and Conclusion
    5. Acknowledgements


Use American - style English spelling throughout the manuscript.

  1. Use Greek letters in the character font Symbol or as inserted symbols.  Do not use an Equation Editor to insert single characters.
  2. Italicize letters that symbolize variables and physical quantities, such as T for temperature, E for energy, n for an unspecified number.
  3. Molar (м) should be in small capitals.
  4. All Figures, Schemes, and Tables should be mentioned in the main text in numerical order.
  5. "Figure 1", "Table 3", etc.  should be written out in full.
  6. Tables should be created using a table-function rather than as graphics or using tab spacing. Units should be enclosed in square brackets. Tables should be provided with a brief caption.


Table 1: This table provide as a sample




T [˚C]

EtOH [ml]

particle size range [nm]

















  1. References to literature or to endnotes in the text should be typed in square brackets [ ] as superscripts,  and be after any punctuation, numbered consecutively, and listed at the end of the main body of text. All references must be mentioned in the text. Please do not use any footnotes; instead set any notes to the text as endnotes within the reference list. You may use Endnotes or Mendeley softwares.

References: (references should be listed consecutively as numerical in parentheses. The final bibliography should be in the order in which they are quoted in the text and written in “Vancouver Style”) 

Journals: Standard journal article. List all authors when six or less; for seven or more authors, list only the first six and add et al.     

[1] You CH., Lee KY., Chey WY., Manguy R., Electrogastrographic study of patients with unexplained nausea, bloating and vomiting. Gastroenterology 1980; 79: 311-4.    

[2] Strauss JS., Leyden JJ., Lucky AW., Lookingbill DP., Drake LA., Hanifin JM., et al., Safety of a new micronized formulation of isotretinoin in patients with severe recalcitrant nodular acne: A randomized trial comparing micronized isotretinoin with standard isotretinoin. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol., 2001;45:196–207.     

[3] Chapter in a book: Weinstein L., Swartz MN., Pathogenic properties of invading microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA Jr., Sodeman WA., eds. Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease. WB Saunders, Philadelphia 1994; 457-72.


  1. Keywords: Please include 3 to 7 keywords. Using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) - PubMed
  2. Conflict of Interest: Please state whether any authors have a financial/ commercial Conflict of Interest.
  3. Acknowledgements: Remember to acknowledge all funding sources relevant to the work reported.
  1. Formulas, figures, and schemes can be submitted as individual files or in the main file. They should not have borders.
  2. Acceptable formats are: TIFF, JPG, PNG.
  3. Use only one font size in any one figure, adjusting the size of the writing relative to the overall size of the figure.
  1. Graphical abstract + Highlights


  1. 3D-shaped gelatin nanofibers were fabricated by rapid freeze casting (RFC) technique.
  2. The increasing freezing gradient produced smaller pores.